March 21, 2014

Little Miss Nora

Our beautiful baby girl is finally here!

Nora Holland Millet
Friday, March 14, 2014 at 8:56pm
6lbs 2oz & 18.5" long

A few days ago we decided to torture Nora by trying to take some newborn photos. 
Peter specifically requested we dress her in white like a little angel.

I can't believe Nora is already a week old today. 
And here's how it all happened...if you like those sort of details...
At my 38 week appointment my OB began talking about scheduling an induction since the hospital we were delivering at was an hour away and as I would need some medication during delivery, he didn't want me to end up going into labor on my own and delivering on the freeway somewhere since this was my 3rd baby. I was totally on board. Then he causally suggests, "So, how does Friday sound?"
Travis and I were both pretty stunned and sort of looked at each other and said "Okay!" Travis will tell you he was most excited about the prospect of having a child born on 3-14, otherwise known as Pi Day.
So we got all prepped -- this is me the night before the delivery -- 39 weeks of belly folks.
Since Travis' mom Deb couldn't come until Saturday, my good friend and her daughter from church agreed to come spend the night with the boys and off we went.

They had scheduled my induction for noon at the hospital but when we got there, they were super busy so we were told to come back in an hour or so. Well, finally around 3pm we were able to get checked in and were in a room by 4pm. Basically it was a big game of hurry up and wait. It took about another hour for the nurse to get me all set up and didn't even get my antibiotics started until after 5pm -- they had to run fully before we could start the pitocin.

Then about 6pm the party really started. The nurse finally started my pitocin and about 15 minutes later Dr. Navi comes in and says he's there to break my water. Then things really kicked into gear. Not 10 minutes later my contractions started and were coming every 2-3 minutes. I was doing pretty good breathing through each one, able to stay calm, when the big ones started. They were so strong and despite all my preparations to remain relaxed and focused, I found myself tiring and unable to relax through the contractions. Since I was only at a 5cm I asked for an epidural but the nurse wanted to wait a bit longer to get more of the IV fluids. But I was in so much pain that Travis was able to convince her to call the anesthesiologist right then.

The anesthesiologist got a line started and only after a few moments of questionable stability of my blood pressure, I was soon in a blissful state of loopiness. After he left, I told the nurse that I was feeling lots of pressure and after checking me she said I was at 10cm. In about 20 minutes I'd gone from a 5 to a 10 -- no wonder it was so hard! 

We started to push then and after only 5-6 pushes the baby started to crown so the nurse left to grab the doctor. Dr. Navi strolls into the room, sorta chit-chatting and starts to get ready when he does this classic double-take and really looks at me and says "There's the head! Let's get going!" and then bursts into action. I don't think he realized I was quite as ready as I was. For some reason, pushing this baby was probably the easiest of all my deliveries and within just a few moments, Nora was born. Perfect and pink and wide awake with a head full of hair. 
All in all, it was one speedy delivery -- only 2 hours and 45 minutes total.
The nurses gave her straight to me and after only a cursory check to make sure she was okay, left Travis and I alone with her for some amazingly special bonding time.
I was so overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude for this precious baby and an overwhelming sense of love for her and Travis who had been such a support through the delivery. Those first few moments were so incredibly special that I don't think I'll ever be able to forget them.
The boys weren't able to meet Nora until we brought her home on Sunday and they were so excited. Benji kept cooing over her "fwittle ears and feet" and Peter just wanted to hold her constantly. 
And hold her.
And hold her some more.
They are going to be the best big brothers. And Nora is just the best baby you could ask for. 
I know it's early days yet but she sleeps constantly and took to nursing like a champ. Nights are the only complaint (mostly because she nurses so LONG) but otherwise she's been a dream. 
We are all in love with our sweet little lady.


Ashley B. said...

I am so happy for you all! (and happy for more pics of this new cutie - it took a lot of self-control not to ask you for more pictures on the phone :))

Kristin Hanson said...

Congrats, she's beautiful! Her birth sounds a lot like Graham's: it's such a relief to know that the crazy intense pain you felt really was crazy intense pain and not just being a whimp.

joolee said...

So sweet! She is just darling! Your delivery sounds ALOT like Bowen's - once my water was broken, things went VERY quickly and boy was my doctor surprised too. (Except I wish I'd gotten an epidural!! And if only mine was a 6 pounder too! :) ) Hope your recovery is a speedy one. Enjoy that adorable girl!

*Jess* said...

congratulations! She is just perfect!