April 15, 2013

9 Years

I am soooo not a surprise person. Really, really not. I detest surprises whereas Travis, well Travis is all over them. Like, I'm all for just telling someone what I got them for Christmas and I like knowing what other people got me beforehand. Trav has to beg me every year NOT to tell him what he's getting.

It just so happens that The Wonderful Man That I Married and I recently hit our 9 year anniversary at the beginning of this month. I really wanted to do something special to celebrate and after coming up with several good ideas, I finally settled on a winner (I thought). Only, I wanted to make that night extra special by turning it into a surprise adventure. On our anniversary, I simply told Trav to mark off a certain evening and that we'd go on a super secret surprise adventure. Don't you know how hard that was for me?

He, of course, was excited. I, of course, was bursting to tell him what it was.

Well the day of our super secret surprise adventure FINALLY came (it was really hard not to spill the beans early) and we hopped in the car with a still clueless Travis. After driving up to Bakersfield he finally admitted "I have no earthly idea what we are doing!"

Until we pulled up in front of the Fox Theater to see this funny man:

That would be Brian Regan!
Trav was so surprised and we laughed ourselves silly for two hours straight. I literally had TEARS streaming on multiple occasions from laughing so hard.

Turns out, sometimes surprises are a good thing. Travis even said on the way home "I think it made the night even more fun not knowing what you had in store."


Happy Anniversary baby.
I'm glad you're around to help me grow and try new things.
I love you -- which shouldn't be a surprise.


joolee said...

YEAH!! glad you got to see him!! we had a blast in Portland. and congrats on NINE years! it will be 10 for us soon...how has it flown by so fast??

Ashley B. said...

That looks like so much fun!

But, wait, either you are getting old, or I am because nine years is a long time!!!!