June 22, 2011

Lake Tahoe

Life has been moving along here at Casa Millet. Benji is now 6 weeks old and getting chubbier by the day. And cuter. Peter is slowly adjusting to no longer being the only attraction in town and has proved himself to be a supreme big brother by helping me with his diaper changes and  trying to calm Benji down when he's fussy. 

Um, can I be any more handsome?
I don't think so.

This past weekend we proved how crazy we are by taking a weekend trip to Lake Tahoe for Travis' dad's wedding. It was beautiful and we had a wonderful time (I'd never been before) even if it was a little crazy. Especially since all the Millet's shacked up in a big house - 6 kids under the age of 3 in one house can be a little trying for anyone I think. Fun but noisy.

As tradition dictates, Trav made this incredible quilt for Golden and LeeAnn. I think it turned out beautiful. My man is so creative.

And here we are at the wedding. Surprisingly, we actually got a shot of all four of us looking semi human. Two mintues after this picture was taken Peter reverted into full tantrum mode (we have pictures of that too) but at least he's sitting still here.
By the way, don't you love their little matching ties? While Trav's mom Deb was here, she helped me make them and I think they are the cutest things ever.

During Golden and LeeAnn's ceremony overlooking the lake. It sure was purty.

Lake Tahoe itself. We took a boat tour all around Emerald Bay (pictured below) and it was gorgeous. I really, really want to go back again. Soon, hopefully - but maybe once Benji's a little older.


The Morgans said...

Wow! I see so much of Peter in Benji. Definitely brothers. And that quilt is amazing!!

Renee said...

Does it say "Travis & Georgia" on the quilt? Looks like a fun trip for your family. We would love to meet you guys in Tahoe some time.