October 23, 2010

Murray Family Farms

Today we drove up near Bakersfield to spend the day at Murray Family Farms. They are currently holding their Octoberfest and had lots of fun things for the kiddos to enjoy. We've been talking this excursion up to Pete for several days so he was sufficiently excited to ride on tractors and pet some animals.

First up was a hay ride... pulled by a tractor. I think Petey about peed his pants he was so excited.

The tractor dropped us off at the pumpkin patch where we each got to select one. Trav and Petey (of course) may have taken the longest to select theirs. I tried to snap a picture of it but mainly Pete took so long picking out his cause he kept wandering around with bits of irrigation piping. Trust our little man to go for the tools/equpiment whenever possible.

Pete hanging out by some of this years larger models.

Then we stopped off at the petting zoo which Peter refused to leave. He thought the goats and this pig were hilarious and he loved wandering in and out of the animals little barn. We practically had to drag him away from it in the end.

And here we have my newest frivolous purchase. I've been looking for a fun pair of rainboots and finally settled on these crocs. Which I love. Just start calling me Debbie Reynolds. Except I still need the yellow slicker.

And the good looking family.
As a completely random side note, can you believe how big Petey is getting lately? As Trav and I were looking through all these photos, we just couldn't believe some of the faces he had pulled and just how big he looks. Not to mention that we are constantly amused (and amazed) by all the crazy things that come out of his mouth.
My baby is a baby no longer.

Excuse me while I go have a good cry...


Kristin Hanson said...

Oh man, those shoes are awesome! I may have to save up my play money for a pair, although I do have a pair of striped galoshes I bought for $4 from the gap a few years back...but a girl can never say no to a pair of yellow galoshes!

Katie said...

Cute! I want that little piggy. Pete is getting huge! I still can't believe it.

Rachelle said...

I was going to say, i love you yellow shoes!

Angela said...

Love the new shoes! And I don't blame Peter for not wanting to leave the petting zoo. I mean, how cute is that little pig?!

The Tregeagles said...

I love the boots photo. Peter is getting so big. Do I have a current address for you all?

Lisa Lee said...

Peter is going to grow up designing big earth movers, combines and tractors. Farm boy/mechanic! Love both the boots, and as usual the great looking family.