August 12, 2010

Canada, eh!

A couple of weeks ago, we took a family vacation to Toronto. Trav was presenting a paper at some aeronautics conference there so it wasn't all fun and games for him - but me and Pete explored the city to it's fullest. We were lucky enough to meet up with some of our friends from last summer in Ohio who's hubby's were also there for the conference, so we palled around during the day while the boys did scholarly stuff. Frankly, I love Toronto. I could move there - except for the whole winter/snow thing. But seriously I love how clean and friendly it was, I'd love to take another trip there sometime.

Petey did pretty good on the flight there and back. On the trip home, me and Trav ended up on separate flights and as me and Pete were boarding the plane, he had to stop and make sure every single passenger on our flight knew that "mine daddy's on a spaceship." (emphasis on the space) Too funny.

Our first day we went to the Toronto Zoo with Rachelle, her kids Isaac and Ian, her MIL, and Rekha and her little man Nikil. We had a good time, but boy was it HOT so we sorta pushed the kids through the outdoor exhibits and then finally made it to the splash pad for a cool-down. We didn't know about it prior however, so Pete and Isaac both just ran around in their shorts but still enjoyed it plenty.

Isaac & Pete in a turtle egg. Check out how red-faced these two got. 

Believe it or not, Petey was so scared of this seahorse. The look of distrust on his face here totally cracks me up. Even with me cajoling him, this is still as close as he would get to it.

Cooling off at the splash park and stealing Isaac's snacks

The next day we went here - Casa Loma. Loved the gardens.

Petey loved exploring all the various paths in the gardens.

 And would you look at that? I acutally got the turkey to hold still and LOOK at the camera for once.
Ain't he cute?

We did a TON of walking throughout the city, Petey even got a blister from his new tennies! But every night we had to walk by these little statues of dogs/wolves/bunnies? so Petey could take a ride. And Travis too.

At the scenic hotel right after Trav finished presenting his paper. I think he's glad to be done.
Our last day, we took the ferry out to the Toronto Islands for a quick peak around. Mainly I just wanted a boat ride. And no, I didn't plan on color-coordinating our outfits, it just happened. Serendipitously.
On the boat ride back, we sat next to this British family on 'holiday' and if that little boy had had brown hair (and a family who didn't like him), I swear he'd have been Harry Potter. At one point he walked up to us after hearing me call Petey (imagine great English accent): "Is his name Peter? Can he talk yet? We're here only holiday, it's my baby sister's birthday today." (remember think really cute, really thick English accent - or just call me and I'll do it for you.) And then he proceeded to talk our ear off for the next 20 minutes. It was probably the highlight of our trip. And now Trav keeps asking me if the next baby we have can come out with a British accent.

Hanging out along the Harbourfront

Us at an outdoor concert at one of the many city parks. Isnt' this venue gorgeous? It was right on the waterfront and so fun. We seriously loved Toronto so much and now I'm already trying to figure out how to get us back there!


Lisa Lee said...

Vicarious travel is almost as good as being there! Thanks for posting all the great pix. I esp love the two little guys holding hands.

Kris said...

Ahhh, Toronto. I love it, too. You caught most of my favorites, but missed a few. I'm trying to convince David to get a job there, then you can come visit us. Then I can show you the rest- but you have to bring Travis so he can see the Museum of Science and Industry and show off his mad physics skills.