February 21, 2009

Beware the Wheelers

Have you ever seen that creepy movie Return to Oz? Let's just say that the Wheelers used to give me some crazy nightmares.

If this photo doesn't give you shivers, click here for a clip. But remember that I warned you.

Unfortunately, Petey has started crawling around holding these two little balls and frankly, it brings back some unpleasant memories of the wheelers...

He'd only go a little bit for me in the video (of course), but I keep finding him roaming around the house like this...shudder.


gardeniagirl said...

Yes! I was terrified of the wheelies! It didn't help that my sister told me they lived in our basement. I'm still freaked out by them.

Cherie said...

Haha! That does bring back memories. We used to put our rollerskates on our hands and pretend we were the Wheelers! That cracks me up that he uses balls to get around. Lily "walks" everywhere on her knees. She refuses to crawl most of the time and won't even attempt walking yet.

Lisa Lee said...

I had nightmares for years from the witch in the first OZ, and the winged monkeys were terrifying. I do have to say that the second movie was much darker all around tho ...

Renee said...

The Wheelers are sooo creepy! So is that movie in general. Dorothy got younger, crazier, the head-swapping witch, etc. I remembering watching it again in college after years, and I couldn't believe that was a kid's movie.
Petey is a very cute non-creepy wheeler though. They need to remake the movie with him in it.

Anonymous said...

hello Millets! I found your blog through the RS one and thought I'd say hello!