June 24, 2008

At home with the Millets

Summer's in full swing and we haven't been up to much (I guess that's what happens when you have a baby..who knew?!). We are still alive even if we aren't doing anything too interesting, so enjoy some pictures of the Millet's in their natural habitat.

Mmm....pork. I wonder when Mom'll start me on hotdogs??

Peter going to sleep. The silly boy is a side sleeper and often cocks his head back like this at night. It looks super uncomfortable, but he seems to like it.

Uh, guys? I think you're supposed to hibernate during winter. Not summer.

Petey's signature expression. Our little monkey is super expressive with his eyebrows; my dad says he goes around with an eternally surprised look on his face -- hey wouldn't you if everything you saw was totally new?


Katie said...

Oh you guys are so cute. I love that picture of Travis and Petey sleeping.

Dave said...

You guys are so great! Want to move to Syracuse?