December 5, 2007

O Christmas Tree!

Travis and I have always agreed that every year we have to buy a real Christmas tree. It really makes the holidays seem special even when life is crazy hectic.

Travis is pretty funny when it comes to the actual Christmas tree selection however. I have discovered that I basically am just along for the ride and there to agree with whatever is his final decision.
The ideal tree must be the perfect: triangular in shape, fluffy, and above all, the most piney-smelling tree in creation. I actually had to dissuade him from getting one that was about as wide as it was tall (me: "But we live in a townhouse!" Trav: "yea, but this one is great!"). And Trav isn't one to be suckered in by the first nice tree he finds, no sir, we have to tromp around 50 different tree lots, debating the various virtues of Noble versus Grand firs before finally finding the 'perfect' tree.
I must grudgingly admit that Trav has the 'eye.' All his hard work seems to have paid off; our tree is probably the best we've had in 4 Christmas' together and almost as important -- it fills the whole house with it's 'piney' scent!

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