November 19, 2009

Master Travis

Congrats Travis!!
After two and a half long years of doing complicated research, spending long nights writing and coding, and logging lots of time in a small lab, Travis has finally reached his goal. Today he defended his Masters Thesis in Mechanical Engineering at BYU. He did a wonderful job presenting his research and after 45 minutes of intense grilling by his committee, he has officially passed. YAY!!!

So what's next for the Millet's you ask? Well, we have accepted a position at Edwards Air Force base in California and will be moving to North Edwards, California (aka Middle of Nowhere) the week after Thanksgiving. It's about an hour outside of LA, so if you are planning a trip to Disneyland anytime soon - drop us a line. Even though we are really excited to go, we are pretty sad to leave our little house and friends and family - but still glad to finally start getting an actual paycheck.

Congrats baby!! I am so proud of you and can't wait to see what happens next! Love you!

November 13, 2009


Last Friday I got a call from Travis. It went something like this:

Trav: Hey, if I needed to get stitches, which hospital should I go to?

me: Wha..??!?

He then proceeded to tell me how he had sliced open three of his fingers on an small airplane's propeller. After the shock sort of wore off and 14 stitches later, I did however feel the need to mock him just a little bit.

See, he is always giving other guys in his lab a hard time when they have to get stitches for grabbing a propeller - mostly because he had never done it himself. And now, with only 2 weeks left in the lab, Trav had to go and do the walk of shame himself. Payback is sweet.

November 6, 2009

Boy in Leaves

I'm just gonna say it: my kid is cuter than yours.

November 1, 2009

Blast from the Past

Happy Halloween!!
This year, Trav and I went as a fabulous '50s couple and Petey came as the King himself. Petey really got the whole concept this year and figured out if he walked around looking cute and held out a bag, people would give him candy. Then he got his first sucker and it was all over.
And to no one's surprise, I had a guy in my ward tell me he could see me dressing like this (I'm guessing he meant pink, pearls, and ruffles) every day. I know, I'm a little preppy. Workin' the doors."Don't worry Dad, I've got this system down pat."
I love this picture of us.Thank you, thank you verra much.